How To Watch Star Wars Episode IV In CMD

Yes, you read that correctly, you can watch an ASCII version of the full Star Wars Episode IV movie right in the Command Prompt window!

Just open Command Prompt and execute "telnet"  The movie will start immediately. Check out the tip below if this doesn't work.True, this isn't a terribly productive use of the Command Prompt, nor is it really a trickof the Command Prompt or any command, but it sure is fun! I can't imagine the work that went in to this!

Note: internet connection is required.

Tip: The telnet command isn't normally enabled in Windows but can be turned on by enabling Telnet Client from Windows Features in the Programs and Features app let in Control Panel. If you'd rather not enableTelnetbut would like to see the movie, you can also watch it in your browser atStar Wars ASCIIMation.

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